Administration Area Access Levels

While Admin level users have access to many areas, only Super Admins have full access to Revelation helpdesk administrative features. Below is a grid showing which areas area accessible to each level.

Item Admin Super Admin   Item Admin Super Admn
"@Tag" Sharing X X   Action Note Configuration   X
Activity Feed X X   AD Integration   X
Add/Edit Custom Fields X X   Add/Edit External Links   X
Add/Edit Roles X X   Add/Edit Groups   X
Add/Edit Support Staff X X   Add/Edit Priorities   X
Add/Edit Teams X X   Asset Phrases   X
Asset Management X X   Attachment Settings   X
Chat X X   Authentication   X
Client Manager X X   Branding Controls   X
Configuration Reports X X   Calendar Events Email   X
Configure Navigation X X   Configure & Manage Parser   X
Email Action Templates X X   Configure Default Alerts   X
License Alerts X X   Customize Email Alerts   X
Manage Feedback Surveys X X   Edit Interface Options   X
Manage Quick Notes X X   Email Configuration   X
Manage Roles X X   Email Log   X
Manage Teams X X   End User Fynd   X
Manage Ticket Types X X   Gameplan Settings   X
Mapping Services X X   Global Email Notifications   X
Message Feed X X   Help Guide   X
Pin Dock X X   Homepage Views   X
Report Configuration X X
Import Manager   X
Revelations X X   Knowledgebase   X
Search Options X X   License Settings   X
Set Report Views X X   Login Defaults   X
Team Control Panel X X   Manage Service Levels   X
Template Reports X X   Manage Staff Costs   X
Ticket Templates X X   Manage Web Service   X
Workflow Reports X X   Multi Edit (tickets)   X
Workflow Templates X X   Navigation Options   X
Your Modules X X   Permissions   X
Your License View Only X   Project Settings   X
        Project Templates   X
        Report Builder Settings   X
        Scheduled Events   X
        Self-Service   X
        Spell Checker   X
        System Action Notes   X
        System Phrases   X
        Ticket Access Control   X
        Ticket Configuration   X
        Ticket Details   X
        Ticket Print View   X
        Ticket Status   X
        Timesheet View   X
        User Phrases   X
        Web Service   X
        Work Hours Calendar   X